Thursday, April 9, 2020

About Blog

The relationship between students and teachers has undergone a complete transformation ever since the advent of technology. This is because today’s student has access to a variety of sources for information, as opposed to simply learning what is being taught at school. The methodology of teaching for such curious minds, therefore, is evolving as well, and becoming more and more interactive and engaging, thanks to digital means.
Digital education is a revolutionary method of imparting knowledge, especially since it levels the playing field for all students. It is a type of learning that is supported by digital technology or by instructional practice that makes effective use of digital technology. Teachers too find it convenient to prepare their teaching plans aided by digital technology. Teaching and learning becomes a smoother experience as it includes animations, graphical presentations and audio-visual effects etc. It guarantees more participation from students as the current generation of students are well-versed with laptops, I-pads, and smart phones.
Learning tools and technology enable students to develop effective self-directed learning skills. This also promotes cooperation and teamwork which are very important skills, in every aspect of life.
There are multiple benefits of digital learning in transforming a child's life like: Motor Skills, Decision Making, Visual Learning, Cultural Awareness, Improved Academic Performance, and Inventiveness etc.

Benefits of Digital Learning

  1. Personalized learning. The opportunity to help every student learn at the best pace and path for them is the most important benefit of digital learning. ...
  2. High engagement learning. ...
  3.  Competency-based learning. ...
  4. Assessment for learning. ...
  5. Collaborative learning. ...
  6. Quality learning products

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced the schools to close and send students home. The schools are also forced to go beyond the classrooms and use of online learning plans and technology for students and faculty to minimise the academic loss.
Like the enterprises, education's giant online education experiment is going to accelerate changes that were already in play. We are experiencing the need of a blog spot where all online material is easily available at one click especially for the KV students.
Hence a team of experience and learned teachers has developed this blog as token of our service to the society. Hope this will solve your search of good quality digital material on the prescribed subjects.
We will always like to hear your valuable feedback and suggestion to serve you better.

Thanking to all.

(Raj Guru Singh)

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